Monday, May 3, 2010

Protect your ass....nobody else will.

Protect yourself in all the things you do. I say this as mostly a cautionary tale, as you will find yourself in instances where a person will come up to you with alcohol in hand, wanting you to take the risk to sell to them. How many times can you get screwed? Underage is easy, take a card make sure it is good and move on.

The hard ones is when you have to determine if a person is intoxicated. With no alcohol on their breath, no slurred speech, and seem to have all their abilities to walk, how can you tell? Sometimes it takes the simple act of having a conversation with the person and making sure they can hold a conversation.

I speak on experience, that no matter how good the technology is in the store, a company will sell your ass down the river to make sure they don't get fined. Do you think the one person matters when they have several dozen employees?

The one that they say is okay to sell to is the enraged ones. Those customers that come in all upset over the phone, their wives or their kids. We can sell to them, and pray that we are not adding gasoline to a fire.

How many spousal abuses, child abuse and rage induce murders are started by the alcohol we sell? Do you even for a moment look at the person, envision the future, and smile at the delicious outcomes that can come?

Yes I am twisted, but those stories are for another time.

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